Engage candidates in one primary inbox

Timely, and Personalised Communication for Enhanced Candidate Engagement in one centralised inbox.

Real-Time Communication

Quick feedback and clear communication between candidates and employers.

Centralised Conversations

Easily reference and review interactions.

Instant Clarifications

Both parties can message to clarify, promoting transparency and understanding.



candidates in

one primary


Timely, and Personalised Communication for Enhanced Candidate Engagement in one centralised inbox.

Real-Time Communication

Quick feedback and clear communication between candidates and employers.

Centralised Conversations

Easily reference and review interactions.

Instant Clarifications

Both parties can message to clarify, promoting transparency and understanding.

How our direct candidate messaging can help you make better hiring decisions

How our direct candidate messaging can help you make better hiring decisions

Message Candidates within the platform

Communicate with candidates directly through the Tech1M platform. Select the candidate, compose your message, and hit send.

Message Candidates within the platform

Communicate with candidates directly through the Tech1M platform. Select the candidate, compose your message, and hit send.

Get Notified and View Replies

Receive instant notifications for new messages. Click to view and respond within the platform for efficient communication and smooth candidate engagement.

Get Notified and View Replies

Receive instant notifications for new messages. Click to view and respond within the platform for efficient communication and smooth candidate engagement.

Secure Data Compliance

Ensuring data security, our messaging feature encrypts communication, complying with privacy regulations for confidential candidate interactions.

Secure Data Compliance

Ensuring data security, our messaging feature encrypts communication, complying with privacy regulations for confidential candidate interactions.


Frequently asked questions

How do I send a message to a candidate within the platform?

It's easy! Navigate to the candidate's profile, compose your message, and click send.

Can I receive notifications for new messages?

Absolutely. Tech1M notifies you instantly for efficient and timely communication.

How can I review past interactions with candidates?

All conversations are centralized for easy reference and comprehensive understanding.

Can candidates message me for clarifications?

Yes, both parties can message for transparent and mutually beneficial communication.


Frequently asked questions

How do I send a message to a candidate within the platform?

It's easy! Navigate to the candidate's profile, compose your message, and click send.

Can I receive notifications for new messages?

Absolutely. Tech1M notifies you instantly for efficient and timely communication.

How can I review past interactions with candidates?

All conversations are centralized for easy reference and comprehensive understanding.

Can candidates message me for clarifications?

Yes, both parties can message for transparent and mutually beneficial communication.

Explore more features

Candidate Profile Management

View and manage candidate profiles, ensuring a broad view of each candidate's journey and skills.

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Offer Management

Automate job offer creation, tracking, and management.

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Trusted Talent Pool

Harness AI matching for a reliable talent pool.

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Explore more features

Candidate Profile Management

View and manage candidate profiles, ensuring a broad view of each candidate's journey and skills.

Learn more →

Offer Management

Automate job offer creation, tracking, and management.

Learn more →

Trusted Talent Pool

Harness AI matching for a reliable talent pool.

Learn more →

Enhance your hiring process now!

Enhance your hiring process now!

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